Navigating Change 
with the Five Elements of Yoga

Day Five: SPACE with Sreedevi K. Bringi 

Day One  |  Day Two  |  Day Three  |  Day Four  |  Day Five  

Wisdom Talk: 
Accessing the Subtle Realms 

In this profoundly deep interview, Sreedevi shares ancient yogic wisdom to help us anchor ourselves through life's series of challenges and tests. She explains the power of the sensory mind, the symbolic significance of OM, and how the Ether element helps us detach and disengage. She offers multiple tools to activate our creative self expression and teaches about the power of humming, chanting, and singing.

Activating the Throat Chakra with Sound

Enjoy this bija mantra practice for the throat chakra, the space of the Space/Ether element, which includes a mudra to connect with the categories of all existence. Sreedevi also guides through the mantras of wisdom of the throat chakra. See below for a handout of the sixteen vowel mantras.

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