Navigating Change 
with the Five Elements of Yoga

Day Four: AIR with Janet Stone 

Day One  |  Day Two  |  Day Three  |  Day Four  |  Day Five  

Wisdom Talk: 
Wisdom of the Heart and Lungs 

What does our breath, grief, the pericardium, and Hanuman have to teach us about our transformation in these times? Join Courtney Love in an interview with Janet Stone where she shares her perspective on how the elements can help us reorient, accept, and move forward with more compassion and empathy and less division.

Activate Your Breath, Awaken Your Heart

In this video, Janet shares a simple grounding pranayama exercise and an uplifting chant in honor of Hanuman, helping you refocus your mind and reclaim your heart. You will feel calm and safe and connected to the devotional nature of light and your source.

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