Navigating Change 
with the Five Elements of Yoga

Day One: EARTH with Saul David Raye

Day One  |  Day Two  |  Day Three  |  Day Four  |  Day Five  

Wisdom Talk: 
Source Yourself in the
Living Energies of Nature

In this talk Saul David Raye shares a powerful perspective of earth consciousness that will support you to stay centered as you navigate our world in these changing times. He shares simple yogic teachings to work with the five elements to balance the nature within and to align with the earth. His call to action is a potent invitation to inspire more kindness, compassion and love for all. 

Ground, Relax and Enliven with the Earth Element

Join Saul for a gentle and nourishing practice to ground into your body and open your channels of energy. Start with relaxing floor poses as you connect to the presence of Mother Earth, journey into soft movements to increase circulation and flow through the body, and end with a centering mudra practice to rest deeply in your heart.

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