Cultivating Self Mastery through the Deeper Dimensions of Practice

Day Four

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Day Four Overview + Centering Practice
with Dayna Seraye

Join me for an overview of the wisdom sessions featured today, and a short practice to activate your energy.

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Radical Self Acceptance
to Heal Addiction
with Nikki Myers

Join in as Nikki shares her passion for integrating the somatic and subtle body practices of yoga with the 12 step model to support those in recovery from addiction — a path she knows so well from personal experience. With profound authenticity, she shares the number one step on the path that leads to the possibility of healing and change, and why thinking our way there is simply not enough.

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Join Tommy Rosen as he gives a brilliant overview of the holistic journey of healing from addiction — from the gross to the increasingly subtle dimensions of detoxification — and what yogic practices support us at each of these layers. Tommy guides us in how we can experience the “natural highs” of life that fulfill us on the deepest levels of our being. 

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De-Stress the Subtle Body

through Meditation
with Yashoda Devi Ma

In this illuminating conversation, Yashoda shares the benefits of a meditation practice that emphasizes effortlessness and relaxation. Learn why thought-filled meditations are a good thing, and how these thoughts alleviate stress from your physiology and cellular biomemory, bringing you in connection with your intuition and the state of effortless flow in life.

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Father Sky & Mother Earth:
Mayan Wisdom & Rituals
with Miguel Angel Vergara

In this beautiful session, Miguel shares the Mayan cosmology for a human being living in sacred connection to all of life, and why it is so important for us to return to these ways. He traces the roots of Mayan wisdom and yoga and speaks to the similarities of both traditions to activate the subtle body and experience our place in the whole of life.

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​In this moving dialogue, Cherokee/Lakota elder Celinda Kaelin shares potent wisdom and practices to heal the dis-ease of disconnection that we are collectively suffering from. She speaks of the need to respect and feed the spirits of the earth and how this respect is what will enable us to move through these times of purification into the next phase of our evolution.

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