Cultivating the Deeper Dimensions of Practice

Day Four

Inner & Outer Alignment

Day One  |  Day Two  |  Day Three  |  Day Four  |  Day Five  |  Day Six  |  Day Seven

Intro + Practice: Purification by Tapas 
with Dayna Seraye

As we dive deeper on our transformational journey, let's begin by cultivating heat, known as tapas in yoga, to burn away any stuck energy in the body and old patterns of conditioning in the mind. Use this fiery practice to come to inner clarity and alignment so you can feel more true outer alignment in your life.

Special thanks to SunMountain for providing the space to film these practices!

Inner Alchemy for Soul-Full Expression
with Juan Pablo Barahona

With passion and heart-fire, Juan Pablo shares his understanding of the process of inner alchemy - doing the work to liberate stuck energy and emotions held within. He reframes the term discipline and encourages us to commit with devotion to the path of purpose and the creative expression of the soul.

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Seeing the Self in Other:
Yoga in Relationships
with Ashley Turner

Experience Ashley’s passion for fusing East and West through yoga and psychology in this inspiring interview that dives into the complexities and transformational opportunities of relationship. Ashley reveals the importance of shadow work and how the process of taking responsibility for our mistakes and sharing our imperfections with each other facilitates deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

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