Fearless Living for True Prosperity 

with Master Yoga Teacher Anand Mehrotra



Want to break through obstacles
AND magnetize abundance in all ways?

In this master class you will learn:

  • What is TRUE prosperity, and how you can magnetize that which you seek into your life
  • How to clear fear and past conditioning and step into your fearless, limitless nature
  • Why it is essential for you to embody self mastery and be impactful in the world
  • How to cultivate courage, love and power to face whatever challenges arise 

Anand Mehrotra

Anand Mehrotra is a world renowned visionary master, evolutionary thought leader, and entrepreneurial and social change trailblazer. He was born and raised in Rishikesh, India – the birthplace of yoga. Combining the ancient wisdom of his upbringing with a lighthearted rebelliousness, Anand’s unique brilliance appeals to modern audiences in both the East and West.

He is the founder and Master Teacher of Sattva Yoga – a holistic, ever-evolving practice that combines asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya, and wisdom. Sattva Yoga inspires students to experience freedom, radical aliveness, and their most authentic Selves on every level.

Anand is the “teacher’s teacher” with students studying with him from all walks of life including Hollywood celebrities, business leaders, yoga teachers, writers, doctors, lawyers, meditations teachers, designers, students etc.

Experience Anand's great wisdom today.