Cultivating the Deeper Dimensions of Practice

Day Two

The Art of Self Inquiry

Day One  |  Day Two  |  Day Three  |  Day Four  |  Day Five  |  Day Six  |  Day Seven

Intro + Practice: Cultivate Awareness
with Dayna Seraye

Today's opening practice offers you an opportunity to ground your energy and cultivate your embodied awareness so you can increase your capacity for self inquiry. It is this ever-deepening process of self inquiry that guides the process of our own awakening and self mastery.

Special thanks to SunMountain for providing the space to film these practices!

Vulnerability is the Gateway
to True Intimacy
with Sianna Sherman

This conversation with Sianna illuminates the dance of shadows and light, and why vulnerability and feeling all parts of ourselves is vitally important to our growth and our capacity for deep, intimate relationships. Sianna shares her personal techniques for honoring those difficult places in herself and in others.

Fusing East & West
to Create Yoga Medicine
with Tiffany Cruikshank

Join Tiffany as she shares insights into the power of fusing western medicine and yoga for herself and her students. With all the stresses of modern times, Tiffany returns again and again to the message of simplicity and approaching the physical body as the gateway to the deeper practices.

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