Cultivating the Deeper Dimensions of Practice


APRIL 15 - 19, 2019
20+ Interviews & Practices


25 Master Yoga Teachers & Consciousness Leaders

Disease and dis-ease are rampant in our world today.
How do we become our own healers

and embody radiant health amidst the stresses of life?

Join this extraordinary confluence of 
master yoga teachers and consciousness leaders
as they share insights into the miraculous and mundane

healing potential of practice.

Ancient yogic wisdom reveals 
the key to healing lies in
connecting to your innate wholeness
 and balancing the forces of nature within YOU.

Each and every one of us is unique.

You become your own healer by learning
what brings YOU into (and out of) integration.

As your own self healer, you are a powerful force,
able to show up and contribute in magnificent ways.

This FREE online gathering includes:

  • 20 intimate interviews with international yoga teachers & consciousness leaders
  • Daily inspiration to fuel your understanding of the teachings
  • Tools, tips and techniques to heal yourself with the practices of yoga

Meet Your Host:

Hi, I'm Dayna Seraye, co-founder and director of Hanuman Academy and Hanuman Adventures.

My passion is to awaken and embody heart-centered consciousness within each of us and in our collective human experience.

I am grateful to bring the deeper teachings of yoga — a path and practice that brings us into alignment with our true nature and teaches us to live a meaningful life — to the global community.

It is my honor to curate such a potent collection of wisdom teachings with these incredible consciousness leaders, and I hope they inspire you on your path of evolution. Welcome to the journey!